We support people with experience of fleeing in their sustainable integration into the labour market. We are committed to ensuring that refugees in Saxony-Anhalt are able to build long-term employment prospects in line with their expectations and to have access to the resources they need to do so.
The Jobbrücke PLUS project in Saxony-Anhalt is a joint project of AWO SPI gGmbH, the International Federation and the Refugee Council Saxony-Anhalt, that is coordinated by AWO SPI gGmbH and operates in cooperation with strategic partners. The Jobbrücke PLUS project network is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the European Social Fund within the framework of the Federal ESF Integration Guideline in the focus/priority area "Integration of Asylum Seekers and Refugees (IvAF)"
Target groups
- People with experience of fleeing who have a residence status,
- Employable adult asylum seekers with right to stay,
- People whose deportation has been temporarily suspended (and have at least basic access to the labour market),
- Refugees under 18 years of age
The project has the following goals
- - Integration of asylum seekers and people with refugee experience into work,
- Improving the chances of integration of young refugees in vocational training,
- Increasing the sustainability of an employment or vocational training relationship for the above-mentioned target group,
- Increasing the willingness of regional companies to hire the target groups,
- Training of employment agencies and job centres, municipal administrations, and networking with support structures.
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021
[Overall duration of the project "Jobbrücke PLUS" 01.07.2015 - 31.12.2021]
- - Individual advice about access to the labour market,
- Support with placement in work and training,
- Support with the recognition of foreign qualifications,
- Placement in job-related qualifications,
- Placement in programmes to obtain school-leaving qualifications,
- Training for job centres and employment agencies,
- Awareness-raising amongst companies.
Dr. Samir Mulla Osman (Counselling) - Magdeburg, Jerichower Land -
Contact: 01590 1312612 | samir.mulla-osman[at]fluechtlingsrat-lsa.de | PGP-key: 0x1DE47CF187927BE1
Luise Schmidt (Counselling) - Stendal, Altmarkkreis Salzwedel, Magdeburg -
Contact: 0176 47600813 | luise.schmidt@fluechtlingsrat-lsa.de | PGP-key:
Michael Bertram (Counselling) - Salzlandkreis, Magdeburg -
Contact: 0159 06725150 | michael.bertram@fluechtlingsrat-lsa.de | PGP-key:
Project Implementation and Administration
Christine Bölian (project implementation) | 0391 50549613 | christine.boelian[at]fluechtlingsrat-lsa.de | PGP-key: 22469347
Mostafa Alhusni (administration) | 0391 50549614 | mostafa.alhusni[at]fluechtlingsrat-lsa.de
Project flyer FR-ST_ESF-Projekt_Jobbrücke PLUS_Flyer
Jobbrücke PLUS is one of two projects in Saxony-Anhalt funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) from the European Social Fund (ESF) under the federal programme "Integration of Asylum Seekers and Refugees" (IvAF). Jobbrücke PLUS is also co-financed by municipal funds, private funding from external sources, and private personal funds.
The IvAF projects - currently a total of 41 nationwide - are network projects and are made up of various sub-project partners. The Jobbrücke PLUS project consists of the following sub-project partners:
(Coordination) - AWO SPI Soziale Stadt und Land Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
(sub-project: counselling in Halle, Saalekreis, Mahnsfeld-Südharz, Anhalt-Bitterfeld, Dessau-Roßlau, Wittenberg) - IB Mitte gGmbH für Bildung und soziale Dienste
(sub-project: counselling in Magdeburg, Harz, Börde) - Refugee Council Saxony-Anhalt e.V.
(Sub-project: Counselling in Magdeburg, Salzlandkreis, LK Jerichower Land, LK Stendal, Altmarkkreis Salzwedel)
Fixed counselling centres with weekly open office hours can be found in Halle, Sangerhausen, Bitterfeld and Magdeburg.
The project "Jobbrücke PLUS" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales) and the European Social Fund (Europäischer Sozialfond) within the framework of the Federal ESF Integration Guideline (ESF-Integrationsrichtlinie Bund) in the priority area "Integration of Asylum Seekers and Refugees (IvAF)".